Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS held a scientific conference on "Alishir Navai and Zahireddin Muhammad Babur"

16-02-2024 [ 11:39 ] [ read:26 ]
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On February 15, ANAS Central Scientific Library, held a scientific symposium on "Alishir Navai and Zahireddin Muhammad Babur".

ANAS Nizami Ganjavi of Institute of Literature and the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in our nation collaborated to arrange the event.

Academician Isa Habibbayli, president of ANAS, launched the conference by speaking about the growth of scientific and literary links between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, stating that the two nations' historical origins, culture, language, and literature are similar. He stated that for more than ten years, the Academy has hosted a series of collaborative events devoted to the works of Alishir Navai and Zahireddin Muhammad Babur, and the legacy of Uzbek literature masterpieces has been extensively researched.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli recounted President Ilham Aliyev's thoughts on connections between the Turkic world and the Republic of Azerbaijan at his swearing-in ceremony in the Milli Majlis on February 14. He mentioned that during the swearing-in event, President Ilham Aliyev stated, "Our family is the Turkic world." We don't have any other family. We shall continue to cooperate within the framework of the Organization of Turkic States. This is a priority for us," he added, emphasizing that Azerbaijan has brotherly connections with all member nations of the Organization of Turkic States and that our country's objective is to strengthen the organization.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that the Organization of Turkic States is actively extending its area, and that the Council of Elders, the Union of Turkish Universities, and the Women's Union of this organization have been established. He emphasized the importance of forming the Organization of Turkic States' scientific personnel as soon as possible.

The scientist emphasized the importance of further developing ongoing scientific relations with Uzbekistan, noting that the Department of Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Literary Relations and the Alishir Navai Literary Studies Centre operate at the Academy's Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature to study Uzbek literature. Furthermore, he stated that the departments of Turkish manuscripts established at the Institute of Manuscripts and links with Turkic countries established in the Institute of Oriental Studies contribute to the study of the works of notable Turkic global figures.

Academician Isa Habibbayli stated that Fuzuli's jubilee is extensively commemorated in our nation this year, according to the Decree of the President of the Republic "On the Celebration of the 530th Anniversary of the Great Azerbaijani Poet Muhammad Fuzuli" dated January 25, 2024. He also stated that Muhammad Fuzuli, who regarded Alishir Navai as his master, was heavily impacted by his work. Alishir Navai is a great artist who represents not just the Uzbek people but also the Turkic globe.

Later, the head of ANAS presented a rare photograph of Muhammad Fuzuli, taken by Azerbaijani artist Azim Azimzadeh in 1926 and recently discovered in the Institute of Manuscripts collection, to the Azerbaijan Cultural Centre named after Muhammad Fuzuli at Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature.

Speaking at the event, Uzbekistan's ambassador to Azerbaijan Bahram Ashrafkhanov said that in recent years, a number of works have been done in the direction of studying the rich creative heritage of Alishir Navai and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, promoting their immortal works in our country and abroad, and perpetuating their memories. He said that since the years of independence, numerous international conferences dedicated to Alishir Navain's work have been held not only in Uzbekistan, but also in France, Belgium, Japan, Korea, Russia, the USA, Germany, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

The ambassador stated that the statue of Alishir Navain in Baku is a show of respect for the memory of the Uzbek poet from the brother nation. He underlined that the statue of Alishir Navain's instructor, Nizami Ganjavi, was erected in Tashkent, Uzbekistan's capital, as a symbol of the two nations' togetherness and friendly connections.

At the conclusion of his remarks, the ambassador stated his belief that the conference will help to promote scientific and cultural links between the two brother nations.

Academician Teymur Karimli, head of ANAS' Institute of Manuscripts, addressed during the conference, stating that the Azerbaijan-Uzbek people have old and rich literary traditions. He stated that the famous Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli regards Alishir Navai as one of the best artists. He also discussed the relationship between Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur and Shah Ismayil Khatai, important historical personalities who served as the Turkish state's commander and poet.

The Director of the Institute of Literature's Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary connections department, Almaz Ulvi Binnetova, doctor of philological studies, then delivered his study titled "Traces of Alishir Navai in the works of Zahireddin Muhammad Babur".

Also, at the event, Ph.D., associate professor, leading researcher of the Nizami studies department of the Institute of Literature Zahra Allahverdiyeva, Doctor of Philology, head of the Fizuli Studies sector Ataami Mirzayev, leading researcher of the Nizami Studies Department Yelena Teyer, Yashar Gasimbayli, Ph.D., senior researcher of the Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Literary Relations Department delivered their papers