Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A republican conference dedicated to the 115th anniversary of Academician Hamid Arasli will be held in Ganja Division

09-02-2024 [ 14:58 ] [ read:222 ]
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A nationwide scientific-practical conference on "Hamid Arasli and Azerbaijani literary studies" will be held on March 6, 2024, organized by ANAS's Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi and the Nizami Ganjavi Centre of Ganja Division.

Sections of the Conference:

- Hamid Arasli and the History of Azerbaijani Literature

- Hamid Arasli and the classical literary legacy.

- Hamid Arasli and the "Kitabi - Dede Gorgud" Saga;

- Hamid Arasli's law studies activities.

- Hamid Arasli's folklore studies activities.

- Hamid Arasli's textual studies activities.

- Hamid Arasli, Near and Middle East.

Installation Rules:

- Materials should be produced in conformity with the conference's scientific instructions.

- The text should be typed in Microsoft Word editor (Times New Roman) font: 12 ppt, 1.15 line spacing, left-30 mm, right-20 mm.

- Hamid Arasli's legal studies activity: left-30 mm, right-20 mm, top-20 mm, bottom-20 mm in A4 format (210x297 mm).

- The text should be entered without shifting from line to line, and the image, graph, and tables within the text should be 30 mm from the left and right margins.

- The article text should be between 5-7 pages long, containing keywords, a summary, and a list of references.

- The title of the report is in capital letters, bold, and font-12.

- Authors' names - regular letters, bold, font-12 (the speaker's name should be underlined);

- The name of the science (education) institution in regular letters, italics, and font-12.

- Reporter's email address-font-size: 12;

- If the article was written in Azerbaijani, the summary is in English.

- If the article was written in English, the summary is in Azerbaijani.

- If the item is written in Russian, Persian, or Arabic, the summary must be in both Azerbaijani and English.

- The reference list should be in alphabetical order, created according to the AAK's criteria, and references throughout the article should be supplied in square brackets (for example: [5, p.12]).

- The registration form and theses of reports must be presented together with a letter signed by the head of the firm or organization.

- Reports should be provided electronically to the email address:

- The deadline for receiving submissions is February 25, 2024.

Papers that do not match the standards will not be included in the conference program. The writers are accountable for the content of the reports and the outcomes stated.

- The conference materials will be made available on the ANAS Ganja Section's website in PDF format.

Conference location: AZ 2000, Heydar Aliyev Avenue 419, ANAS Ganja Branch.

Contact number: (994 55) 795-44-85.