Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Book VI of "Issues in 20th Century Azerbaijani Literature" published

27-11-2023 [ 14:54 ] [ read:60 ]
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        The VI book of "Issues of 20th century Azerbaijani literature" was released by ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi. The book is dedicated to Mehdi Huseyn and the historical literary process and was released by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute's meeting protocol No. 7 dated December 8, 2022.

          Shirindil Alyshanli, a Doctor of Philology is the project head and scientific editor of the work. Doctor of Philology Rahim Aliyev and PhD, associate professor Aslan Salmansoy are the referees.

         The book published by "Elm" publishing house consists of 460 pages. The book compiled in the department of Azerbaijani literature of the 20th century (Soviet era) includes research works written from the standpoint of modern democratic scientific criteria covering the genealogy, biography and creative path of People's writer Mehdi Huseyn.