Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


More than 80 articles were created on "Wikipedia" by the employees of the Institute of Literature

25-10-2023 [ 13:43 ] [ read:51 ]
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In order to ensure the active participation of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS in enriching the wiki environment with the necessary information about Azerbaijan, their protection and development, trainings were held at the Central Scientific Center to acquire the necessary knowledge on Wikipedia projects. The library of ANAS and employees of the academy's institutes were involved in these trainings. A group of employees of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS also took part in these trainings, and a Wikipedia team of 6 people was formed, who completed the training of the institute at a high level.

This team is currently working hard to post articles related to literature and literary studies on Wikipedia. Since March, the team has created more than 80 articles in Azerbaijani with rich links on Wikipedia. The team is responsible for editing and enriching unedited articles on Azerbaijani literature on the Wikipedia platform, operating in the Azerbaijani language, improving the institute’s page on Wikipedia, creating the pages “Comparative Literature,” “Poetics.ism,” and “Azerbaijan.” Literary Studies”, and also did significant work in the direction of posting articles about encyclopedic publications published at the institute.

The "Wikipedia" team created separate articles on the heritage works of prominent Azerbaijani poets Nizami Ganjavi and Muhammad Huseyn Shahriyar, as well as examples of world and children's literature, Iraqi-Turkmen literature, folklore, preparation of an article on the Divan of the Turkmen poet Mahtimgul Faragi, which was first found in Baku. performed his work. It should be noted that an article about these articles posted on "Wikipedia" was also published in "Kirkuk" newspaper, published by the Iraqi-Turkman Literary Union. In addition, the team worked diligently to eliminate the misrepresentations on the pages created in "Wikipedia" related to the literature of South Azerbaijan. Thus, by enriching the pages of Azerbaijani poets and writers presented as Persian poets and writers with new sources and references, they managed to eliminate these distortions. It is planned to continue work on the pages related to the literature of South Azerbaijan.

It should be noted that, the main goal of the team of the Institute of Literature at the next stage is to translate the articles created in "Wikipedia" about the country's literature not only into Azerbaijani, but also into Russian and English languages.