Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Literary portraits (articles about Uzbek poets and writers)

09-06-2023 [ 15:11 ] [ read:195 ]
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In 2023, by the decision of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the book "Literary portraits (articles about Uzbek poets and writers)" was published under the editorship of Doctor of Philological Almaz Ulvi Binnatova. The book contains articles about prominent Uzbek poets and writers whose jubilees will be celebrated in 2022 by order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. These studies written in a scientific-theoretical context were prepared by the "Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Literary Relations" Department of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS. The book was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The scientific editor of the book is Academician Isa Habibbayli, reviewers are Doctor of Philology, Professor Yashar Gasimbeyli, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Sirajeddin Haji, responsible secretary Shabnam Mirzazadeh, proofreader Shahnaz Nasibli. The book consists of 150 pages. First of all, the introductory words of the President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the general director of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Academician Isa Habbibeyli, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Azerbaijan Bahram B. Ashrafkhanov were included. Preface to the book by written by Almaz Ulvi. Almaz Ülvi spoke about the long-term literary, cultural and friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan in the preface entitled "The History of Azerbaijan-Uzbek Literary Relations". The directions and ways of these literary and cultural relations, which continue in the modern era and  have been clarified. The studies were written by well-known scientists of the department and institute. The articles written by different authors have the nature of scientific research. The classic and modern Uzbek poets and writers included in the book: Nadira, Berdag, Abdulhamid Cholpan, Osman Nasir, Natan Mallayev, Suyima Ghaniyeva, Khudaverdi Tokhtabayev, Sharaf Osnatdinov, Habib Sadulla, Aydin Hajiyeva, Muhammad Ali, Khurshid Dovran.

The publication of this book is very important for the development of our literary relations.