Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Shohrat Siraceddinov. "Amir Alishir. His life and creativity"

09-06-2023 [ 14:54 ] [ read:112 ]
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Rector of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature after Alishir Navai, Shohrat Sirajeddinov, a prominent representative of the Uzbekistan scientific school of Uzbek studies is the author of a number of monographs dedicated to the life and work of Alishir Navai. In 2023, Shohrat Sirajeddinov's "Amir Alishir. His book "Life and creativity" was published in Azerbaijani language. Gulbahar Ashurova translated the work from Uzbek. Almaz Ulvi Binnetova is the scientific editor and foreword author of the book, and Shahla Majidova, Ph.D. in philology, assistant professor, is the responsible secretary. The translated edition of the monograph, which consists of 214 pages, was published in "Science and Education" publishing house in Baku. The book was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

In the years of independence, the biography, life and activities of the great Uzbek poet and thinker, statesman Alishir Navai needed to be re-studied and it became necessary to review the original manuscript sources and write them in full. For this reason, the degree of difference between the information in the sources written before the 20th century and the original information in the monograph was determined through comparative-typological and textual analysis. Some unknown aspects of Alishir Navai's life and work were clarified. As a result of the research, a number of new information was obtained, which made it possible to fully imagine the details of the poet's life. In the presented book, neuroscientist, professor Shohrat Siraceddinov presented the results of his long-term research and analysis in this direction in a short and chronological order.