Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A scientific session dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the famous writer Mir Jalal held

18-05-2023 [ 13:42 ] [ read:24 ]
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ANAS Department of Humanities of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi and the National Library of Azerbaijan after M.F. Akhundov held a scientific session on "Mir Jalal and literary-historical process" dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the famous writer Mir Jalal.
Before the event, Azerbaijan National Library after M.F. Akhundzade presented an exhibition reflecting the works by Mir Jalal. 

ANAS President, Academician Isa Habibbeyli has opened the scientific session and said that the Institute of Literature is the main center of research in the field of literary studies in our country, and holding the jubilee of the outstanding writer Mir Jalal in the scientific-research institution is a moral duty of literary scholars.

Academician Isa Habibbayli said that the main feature that distinguishes Mir Jalal is that he has a universal, multifaceted activity. He was a professional in all his fields as a writer, literary critic, publicist, and teacher. Saying that Mir Jalal only created the objective reality, the real life of a person, without idealizing the era he lived in, without promoting the ideology of the strict communist regime, the president of ANAS said that this handwriting of the writer can also be observed in his novels, narratives, satirical and humorous works.

Academician emphasized that Mir Jalal also played the role of a bridge between the beginning of the 20th century and the famous "Sixties" literary generation with his creativity and rich activity, and made important contributions to the development of a new literary generation.

ANAS head Isa Habibbayli, noted that  Mir Jalal's rich heritage is being re-researched by our scientists based on the challenges of the independence era, his works are being reprinted and his bright memory is being passed on to future generations.

Then, Director of the National Library of Azerbaijan after M.F. Akhundov, Professor Karim Tahirov , PhD Philology, associate professor Aslan Salmansoy, Doctor of Philology, Professor Asif Rustamli, Doctor of Philological sciences Ismayil Kazimov, Doctor of Philology Alizadeh Askerli, Doctor of Philosophy Sevinj Aliyeva, Dilara Adilova and Fidan Rzayeva delivered their papers. Academician Teymur Karimli, General Director of ANAS Institute of Manuscripts after M. Fuzuli and Department head of the Institute of Literature, Doctor of Philology Vagif Yusifli shared their memories on Mir Jalal.

Speaking at the end, the Rector of ADA University, Professor Hafiz Pashayev, reminded that the 110th anniversary of Mir Jalal was also held at the Institute of Literature 5 years ago, and said that it is commendable that this anniversary was celebrated by scholars of the humanitarian field and various research institutes at the Academy. Stating that the reports were prepared on the basis of serious scientific research, Hafiz Pashayev said that the researchers touched on unknown issues in the speeches, especially Mir Jalal and Samad Vurgun, the language features of Mir Jalal's works, Fuzuli, theater and stage activity, and continued research will lead to the discovery of new aspects of his creativity in the future.

General directors, employees and mass media representatives of scientific institutions and  ANAS Humanities Department attended the event.