Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The literature of South Azerbaijan was one of the issues that the great leader always paid attention to - Gulnar Sama

10-05-2023 [ 15:54 ] [ read:289 ]
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In the first years of his coming to power, Great Leader Heydar Aliyev's decision to establish the house-museum of Molla Panah Vagif in Gazakh was a great literary event for his time, as well as a national event. In 1978, the decision to create a Literature Museum in Shamakhi further increased the historical fame of that region. This meant the manifestation of guidance and care for the fact that the ancient land of Shamakhi has been a nest of words and art since the Middle Ages. When we look at history, we see that the wise leader Heydar Aliyev steadfastly stood guard over literature in the 80s, as in the 60s and 70s of the last century. On December 11, 1980, signing the decision to create a house-museum of a person like Huseyn Javid in Nakhchivan was an irreplaceable greatness for that period of time. It is more convincing to say this based on the tragic life history of Huseyn Javid. It was a national victory over historical injustice to lavishly hand over a genius destroyed by an empire to his homeland, less than half a century after the empire was still in existence.

Heydar Aliyev, who was appointed the leader of Azerbaijan in 1969, managed to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Rasul Reza at the state level in 1970. This was an indicator of great confidence in writers for that time. This indicator increased every year and covered a wider arena. Thus, in 1973, both Nigar Rafibeyli's 60th and Nabi Khazri's 50th anniversaries are celebrated with great pomp. When talking about the attention paid to the classics in that period, it is necessary to remember the annual anniversary events. Along with celebrating the 100th anniversary of Nariman Narimanov in 1972, the erection of his statue was an important event for our literary history. Also, on September 13, 1973, the 600th anniversary of Imadedin Nasimi was held in Moscow as well as in Baku, which meant pushing the whole empire to pay attention to Azerbaijan. As a result, a monument to Nasimi was erected in Baku in 1980. The jubilee of the poet Nizami Ganjavi was coming. On this occasion, in 1979, a decision was made on "Measures to further improve the study, publication and promotion of the legacy of the great poet and thinker of Azerbaijan, Nizami Ganjavi". Despite all the contradictions of the time, the clear emphasis in the decision that Nizami Ganjavi was an Azerbaijani poet was a victory of politics in literature. This meant that a great empire studied and promoted Nizami Ganjavi as an Azerbaijani poet. Following the implementation of the decision, the poet's 840th birthday was celebrated in 1981 and 850th in 1991 at the state level.

The great leader Heydar Aliyev managed to gather world writers together by organizing the "Friendship of literature is the friendship of peoples" conference in Baku on October 27-31, 1980. Just one year after this event, Heydar Aliyev directly addressed the issues of South Azerbaijani literature at the VII congress of writers. The details of this can be seen in the book "High duty and practice of literature" compiled by Vilayat Guliyev. These events that took place during the Soviet era continued to be realized throughout the years of independence. Because the literature of South Azerbaijan has always been one of the issues in the attention of the Great Leader. As a result of this, on October 29, 1997, the Decree "On holding the 90th anniversary of the birth of Muhammadhuseyn Shahriyar" was signed.

Despite the consequences of the unjust war that our country suffered in the 1990s, Heydar Aliyev still did not reduce his attention and care to the field of literature. In 1994, the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the satirical pen master Jalil Mammadguluzade was a great event during that period of difficulties. Also, awarding poets who distinguished themselves in Azerbaijan's freedom struggle by the state served national independence. Mammad Araz and Khalil Reza Ulutürk were also awarded the "Istiqlal" order, first given to Bakhtiyar Vahabzade by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev in 1995.

National Leader Heydar Aliyev participated in the congress of writers during the years of independence as well as during the years of Soviet rule. In October 1997, participation in the 10th congress of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union was a great confidence for writers. As an effective result of that congress, the magazines "Azerbaijan", "Ulduz", "Gobustan", "Litaturnyi Azerbaijan" and "Literary newspaper", which are the press organs of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, started to be published with state funding. When talking about the services of the wise leader in the field of literature, it should be said that he was not indifferent to folklore and folklore examples. In 1997-2000, the organization of the jubilee of the epic "Dada Gorgud" in Baku, Dresden and UNESCO justifies our opinion. In 2000, the mass series of events held on the occasion of the 1300th anniversary of the "Kitabı-Dade Gorgud" epic gave a great boost not only to folklore studies, but also to literary studies.