Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Department of the Electronic Academy held a meeting on the organization of work on electronisation and its further prospects

01-03-2023 [ 14:54 ] [ read:19 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature held a meeting with the Electronic Academy department.

The Electronic Academy department of ANAS Presidium has started meetings regarding the organization and future prospects of electronicization work in the Institutes included at the Academy.

Head of Electronic Academy Department, associate professor Fariz Imranov, Department employee Elnur Eltürk met and discussed with the persons responsible for this field at the Institute of Literature. The meeting were attended by Executive Director of the Institute, Ph.D., Assoc. Mehman Hasanli, scientific secretary, Ph.D., Assoc. Aygün Bagırlı, Head of Scientific Information and Translation Department, Ph.D., Assoc. Zakira Aliyeva, Shafa Aliyeva, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientist and Specialists and Parvana Karimova, senior specialis.

During the meeting were discussedthe electronic status of the Institute's journals and the prospects of their inclusion in international scientific databases . At the same time, ideas were exchanged regarding the creation of new Wikipedia groups and their involvement in training. It was considered appropriate to organize seminars dedicated to the improvement of work related to Google Academic and other scientific platforms.