Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A scientific session on "Omer Faig Nemanzadeh and his era" held

19-12-2022 [ 11:55 ] [ read:51 ]
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On December 16, ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature held a scientific session, dedicated to prominent publicist, well-known educator and public-political figureOmer Faig Nemanzadeh's 150th anniversary entiled "Omar Faig Nemanzadeh and his era".

Stating that, the scientific session was held in accordance with the Decree of President Ilham Aliyev "On the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Omar Faig Nemanzadeh" dated October 3, 2022 ANAS President, Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the writer was one of the enlightened intellectuals who wrote bright pages in the history of the Azerbaijani press at the beginning of the 20th century and played an exceptional role in raising it to a qualitatively new stage by guiding its development in extremely complex conditions.

Omar Faig Nemanzadeh is one of the main founders of Molla Nasreddin literary school, one of Jalil Mammadguluzadeh's closest comrades-in-arms, and one of his invaluable services in the development of the national press and public opinion in Azerbaijan. He noted that Omar Faig, who grew up as an intellectual with a revolutionary outlook, fought against fanaticism in most of his works.

ANAS President said that, the most important issues of the time were presented in the journalistic work of the outstanding writer both as a citizen from the publicist's point of view and as an intellectual from the scientific point of view.

Later, Executive Director of ANAS Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Professor Eynulla Madatli delivered a paper on "Social and political activity of Omar Faig Nemanzadeh". The reporter said that, Omar Faig Nemanzadeh was an outstanding educationalist, Mollansraddinist, socio-political figure, who defended the interests of his people, the Turkic population of the Caucasus, risked his life for the sake of its enlightenment and prosperity, was arrested many times and met a tragic fate in 1937. At the threshold of the 20th century, the liberal ideas of the Caucasian Turkic peoples are the driving force of national self-awareness, social formation and cultural processes.

Professor Solmaz Rustamova-Tohidi, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Saadat Vahabova, Ph.D. in Philology Gulbeniz Babayeva and Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor Tahmina Ismayilova delivered the papers at the scientific session.

The speakers voiced the proposals of creating a house-museum of Omar Faig Nemanzadeh, publishing his works on a mass scale and including them in high school textbooks, re-applying to the work of the prominent publicist in future studies, preserving his heritage for future generations, erecting a monument to the writer, and other proposals.

Later, Fuad Pepinov, the grandson of Omar Faig Nemanzadeh, spoke on the personal qualities and public activities of the great personality Omar Faig Nemanzadeh and expressed his gratitude on behalf of the family members for the great value given to literature.

Within the framework of the event, there was also a presentation of the book "Omer Faig Nemanzadeh: life and creativity, scientific passport of the artist-35" by Saadat Vahabova, PhD in philology, associate professor.

The book examines the life and activities of a prominent representative of Azerbaijani literary, scientific and public thought, Omar Faig Nemanzade, who made great contributions to the national revival of the people, the awakening and formation of national self-consciousness in the 20th century.

It should be noted that, Academician Isa Habibbeyli is the scientific editor of the book published by "Science and Education" publishing house, by the decision of the Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi.