Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A scientific session dedicated to Omar Faig Nemanzadeh‘s 150th anniversary held

19-07-2022 [ 22:30 ] [ read:18 ]
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Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences held a scientific session devoted to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding public figure, publicist Omar Faig Nemanzadeh. Scientific session was attended by Omar Faig Nemanzadeh's family members, editor-in-chief of "Sharq" newspaper Akif Ashirli, members of various museums and mass media.

The session was opened by  ANASVvice-President, Director of the Institute of Literature  after Nizami Ganjavi, Academician Isa Habibbayli. He noted that "Omar Faig Nemanzadeh is one of the main founders of Molla Nasreddin literary school and one of the closest allies of Jalil Mammadguluzadeh. In particular, in the struggle for the mother tongue, all Mollanasraddins stood on the satirical side, and Omar Faig Nemanzadeh stood on the scientific side. The issue of women's freedom in Azerbaijan, the issue of the Azerbaijani language, has set an example in establishing the national-spiritual existence of Azerbaijan from the position of Azerbaijaniism.

Jalil Mammadguluzadeh and Omar Faig Nemanzadeh's friendship started from "Sharqi-rus" newspaper. Omer Faig Nemanzade played the role of a great bridge in connecting Mollanasreddinists with the magazine. He has very few satirical works and critical articles. He worked side by side with Mirza Jalil, took the movement forward and remained loyal to his ideals until the end. He was Mirza Jalil's closest comrade in arms.

At that time, there was also the "Molla Nasreddin" school, but scientific journalism was just being formed. He is one of the founders of scientific and analytical journalism in Azerbaijan.

Omar Faig Nemanzade's works have been published several times. I would like to mention the late professor Shamil Gurbanov's services in terms of his research and publication of his works. Now, in the light of Azerbaijaniism, it is necessary to write about it again, taking into account the opened archives. It is necessary to create a photo-album monograph on Omar Faig Nemanzadeh. 

Then, Doctor of History, Professor Solmaz Tohidi, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professors Saadat Vahabova and Gulbeniz Babayeva delivered papers devoted to the session.

Akif Ashirli, editor-in-chief of "Sharq" newspaper, Professors Asif Hajili, Sevda Süleymanova, doctoral student of Istanbul University, Dilgam Ahmed, editor-in-chief of "Chapar" historical journal, Ismayil Rahimov, ex-chairman of "Vatan" Society of Akhlaska Turks delivered a papers according to the theme of the session.

Fuad Pepinov, grandson of Omar Faig Nemanzadeh and family member Chingiz Nemanzadeh spoke at the session and expressed their gratitude for the scientific value given to the great personality.