Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Almaz Ulvi. From the history of Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations

24-06-2022 [ 13:05 ] [ read:180 ]
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The history of Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations dates back to ancient times. The rich literary landscape of these relations is characterized by the connection of the two peoples to historical traditions - the presence of common literary monuments.

Despite the centuries-old rich and turbulent history of literary and cultural ties between the Azerbaijani and Uzbek peoples, the period of independence has not only created conditions for the flourishing of these relations, but also to refine these millennial historical traditions on the basis of new requirements. 

These views are in the article by Doctor of Philology Almaz Ulvi (Binnatova), head of the Department of Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary relations of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, entitled "From the history of Azerbaijan-Uzbek literary relations".

During the years of independence, the Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations have been extensively studied in various aspects - both as a research and dissertation topic, and at the same time, we can mention the translation of works of art. Five doctoral dissertations were defended before independence and two during the years of independence. In general, the relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan in the field of literary relations are perhaps the first in the ranking of relations (perhaps the second in comparison with the research on Turkish literature in recent years). That is, it is impossible to list countless articles, books, translations in one article. For example, we can pay attention to some historical and literary facts.

During the period of independence, the poetic basis of the Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations was further strengthened by the love of Uzbek classical poets for Nizami's legacy. At the same time, after the 15th century, Navai's works had a great influence on Azerbaijani literature, including the works of such great Azerbaijani classics as Fuzuli and Kishvari. These literary facts are included in the collection of articles "Alisher Navai in Azerbaijan literary criticism" (Baku, 2009. 360 p.). The book contains articles about Alisher Navoi by prominent Azerbaijani literary critics in various media outlets throughout the 20th and early 21st centuries.

Freedom and independence were the greatest aspirations of both fraternal peoples for centuries, the heaviest grief in their hearts. The life of the Turkestan Autonomy (1917-1918) declared in Kokand at the beginning of the last century by the cruel rule of history was as short as the life of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-1920). Shortly after the destruction of both structures by the armies of the bloody empire by force of arms and great sacrifices, Stalin's repression put all the thinking minds of the Azerbaijani and Uzbek peoples, the sons of true intellectuals, to the "test" of death. destroyed. With all these horrors and a thousand tricks of the imperial patrons, the unjust and innocent blood shed on the eve of independence in both countries lived in the memory of literature the most and, first of all, hurt the conscience of literature. Therefore, the poets and writers of both countries did not just welcome the declaration of independence with great joy and deep confidence. Independence, on the one hand, facilitated the opening of closed boxes in them, on the other hand, allowed the writing of new works on topics that were forbidden in the recent and distant past during the Soviet era. In the works of Uzbek poets and writers created during the period of independence, it is not difficult to feel the commonalities in the fate of the two peoples against the background of artistic echoes or descriptions of the tragedies listed above.

That is why during the years of independence, a large part of the examples translated from Azerbaijani into Uzbek and from Uzbek into Azerbaijani, even if some of them were written before independence, are works that resonate with the spirit of independence, patriotic images and freedom-loving heroes. is.

Osman Kochgar's translations from Azerbaijani literature are also noteworthy. His translations of Mirza Jalil, Mirza Alakbar Sabir, Mohammad Hadi, Huseyn Javid, Jafar Jabbarli and other classics, especially Huseyn Javid's works such as "Iblis", "Amir Teymur", "Sheikh Sanan" were met with great sympathy in the Uzbek literary environment. Speaking about the serious successes of the Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations during the independence period, on the initiative of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan "World Literature" magazine, "525th newspaper", Ataturk Center and other organizations organized in 2005 in the Azerbaijani capital on "Translation issues and globalization" The international conference held in Baku should be noted.

The magazine "World Literature", published in Uzbekistan, responded to this initiative of the magazine "World Literature" in Azerbaijan with a special issue on Azerbaijan.

The unique events observed in the mutual literary and cultural relations of the independence period, the synthesis of two literary traditions in the work of one literary figure and the transfer of literary traditions of the two peoples by playing the role of cultural "bridge" of the same ethnic minority living in both countries are not only Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations. , generally attracts attention as a new manifestation of literary and cultural relations. This provides a very valuable and important material in terms of deepening and expanding the theoretical foundations of literary relations.

This situation has changed a bit during the years of independence. For this, cooperation agreements between the two countries in the field of science and education (including tuition fees, recognition of diplomas, etc.) are needed to resolve the issue on a formal basis. The Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, where I am currently represented, has signed such agreements with many countries of the world. I can say the same about the Republic of Uzbekistan. A separate department of Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary relations has been established at the institute. There is "Alisher Navai Literary Studies Center" under the department. In addition to mutual study and research of our literature, books are written and new staff is trained in this department. For the first time, we wrote the "Azerbaijani-Uzbek" dictionary (23,000 words), celebrated the anniversaries of Alisher Navai, Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur, Magsud Sheykhzade and other famous literary figures. We receive invitations to lectures and master classes in many institutes of Uzbekistan. This, of course, is a great mission. As a result of such work, the vice-president of ANAS of the International Turkish Academy, director of our institute, academician Isa Habibbayli was awarded the "Alisher Navai" gold medal.

The Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan Department of Literary Relations has done a lot since its inception and has achieved and continues to achieve high results in the context of traditional literary relations between the two peoples. During the years of the department's activity we have published many books: "Uzbek literature (literary portraits, research, interviews, 2016)", "Uzbek literature and Azerbaijan (research, literary portraits, conversations", Uzbek, 2016)", "Alisher Navai and Azerbaijan Literature”, Samed Vurgun and the Turkic World ”(2017).

Professor M.Fuad Köprülü. “Alisher Navai (treatise, 2017),“ Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur and Azerbaijan ”,“ Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur and 16th century Uzbek literature: a brief information book based on the exposition of the State Museum of Literature named after A.Navai ”(2017),“ Azerbaijani-Uzbek, Uzbek -Azerbaijani dictionary ”(25,000 words),“ Son of two peoples - Magsud Sheykhzade ”,“ Jalil Mammadgulizoda. Mailbox ”(translated from Azerbaijani by Osman Kochkor) // author of the idea and foreword: Ak.Iso Habibbeyli,“ Alisher Navai. Words of Wisdom - Words of Wisdom ”(in Azerbaijani and Uzbek),“ Teacher ”dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Isa Habibbayli,“ From the history of Eastern commentary ”,“ My old memories and feelings in the ways of the new alphabet ”by Khalid Said Khojayev (in Uzbek and Azerbaijani) (2019), “Century and prose of A.Navai” (scientific-philological and religious-mystical works) monograph (“Scientific passport of the artist” series-11) // foreword: academician Isa Habibbayli), Nizami Ganjavi and Alisher Navai: tradition and innovation ”(2021),“ Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur and Azerbaijan ”(2022)“ You never say, where is Alasgar? ” (2022).

Thanks to the joint efforts of the employees of the department, we have prepared and presented for publication the book "Vatan simurglari" dedicated to the heroes of our Victory in the Patriotic War in 2020.

A number of international conferences and presentations were organized by the department in different years: "Alisher Navai and Azerbaijani literature" (2016), "Samad Vurgun and the literary Turkic world" (2017), "Jamal Kamal and Azerbaijani literature" (2017), "Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur and Azerbaijan ”(2018),“ Magsud Sheykhzade is an outstanding son of Azerbaijan and the Uzbek people ”(2018),“ Azerbaijani-Uzbek, Uzbek-Azerbaijani dictionary ”(25,000 words) (presentation, 2019),“ Alisher Navai's literary and scientific heritage study ”(2020),“ Nizami Ganjavi and Alisher Navai: tradition and innovation ”(2021),“ Zahiraddin Muhammad Babur and Azerbaijan ”(2021),“ Century and prose of Alisher Navoi (scientific-philological and religious-mystical works) ”( 2021).

Our institute was instrumental in signing memorandums of cooperation with several universities in Uzbekistan. Our employees have given lectures on "Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations", "Alisher Navoi and Azerbaijan", "Alisher Navoi" in many universities of Uzbekistan.

The first issue of the international scientific journal "Comparative Literary Studies" of the Institute of Literature in 2020 as a "Special Edition" is dedicated to the Azerbaijani-Uzbek scientific and literary relations (for the first time in the history of scientific journals). The magazine looks at the history of Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary and scientific relations, analyzes the friendly and fraternal relations between the two peoples based on ancient times. The publication includes articles about various literary figures and public figures of Uzbek literature. In these studies, well-known Azerbaijani scientists presented the Uzbek scientific and literary environment, the existing literary ties between the two peoples. A total of 44 articles in the "Special Edition" in the sections "Master Alisher Navai and Babur", "Comparative Literary Studies - Literary Relations", "Amir Teymur in Literature", "New Uzbek Literature: A View from Azerbaijan", "Literary Studies" and "Literary Translation Issues" and in the section "Feelings of brotherhood" in the sub-headings "Hello from Azerbaijan" and "Looking from Uzbekistan" poems of Azerbaijani and Uzbek poets were published. At the end, the Azerbaijani-Uzbek literary relations under the title "Brotherhood and cooperation in photos" were presented visually through photos (55 photos on 28 pages).

More than 100 opinions are prepared and sent to dozens of people defending their degrees in various universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Institute of Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. I went to Afghanistan (Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat) and spoke at the international conferences "Alisher Navai-570" and "Alisher Navai-575".

As a result of our cooperation, the Azerbaijan branch of the International Babur Foundation was established in 2017 in Uzbekistan. On February 17, 2020, the "Center for Literary Studies named after Alisher Navoi" was opened under the department. In 2020, academician Isa Habibbayli was elected an honorary professor of the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after A. Navai. In 2019, I was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the same university, as well as Kokand State Pedagogical Institute and Andijan State University named after Zahiraddin Mohammad Babur.

The Department often holds interesting discussions and seminars on the comparison of the literatures of the two fraternal peoples, and well-known scholars are invited to these events.

The Department of Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary relations of the Institute of Literature will continue its research activities in 2022 with large and new projects.