Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The next issue of the journal "Philology and Art History" (2021, №2)

10-03-2022 [ 12:01 ] [ read:543 ]
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The second issue of the scientific journal of the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences "Philology and Art History" for 2021 has been published. The founder of the magazine is the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and was registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan on 30.05.2019. The journal is published until 2019 under the title "News" (Humanities series).

The editor-in-chief of the scientific journal "Philology and Art History" is ANAS Vice-President, Director of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Academician Isa Habibbayli. This issue of the magazine opens with the article of academician Isa Habibbayli "Nizami Ganjavi's" Iskendername": Honor of Azerbaijani literature".

 The executive secretary of the journal is Halima Mehdiyeva, the editor-in-chief is PhD in Philology Maral Poladova, the deputy editor-in-chief is the corresponding member of ANAS Artegin Salamzadeh. The editorial staff includes a number of academicians and corresponding members of ANAS.

This issue of the journal, published by Elm Publishing House, consists of the sections "Literary Studies", "Linguistics", "Review", "Anniversaries" and "Chronicle". The Guide is available in Azerbaijani, English and Russian. This issue includes articles by four authors in the "Year of Nizami Ganjavi" section. Alizade Askerli's review "Saviors" is about the book of the same name by Professor Gazanfar Pashayev.

“Filologiya və sənətşünaslıq” jurnalının beynəlxalq redaksiya heyətinə Türkiyə, Rusiya, Belarus, Polşa və Gürcüstanın alimləri daxildir.

Jurnalda humanitar elmlər istiqaməti üzrə ədəbiyyatşünaslıq, Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatı tarixi, ədəbiyyat nəzəriyyəsi, müqayisəli ədəbiyyatşünaslıq, folklorşünaslıq, dilçilik, sənətşünaslıq,  mətbuat tarixi və publisistika sahələri üzrə elmi-tədqiqat əsərləri nəşr olunur.

The international editorial staff of the journal "Philology and Art Studies" includes scientists from Turkey, Russia, Belarus, Poland and Georgia.

The journal publishes research works in the field of humanities, history of Azerbaijani literature, literary theory, comparative literature, folklore, linguistics, art history, history of the press and journalism.