Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Azerbaijani scientists at the Korean international conference

19-01-2022 [ 16:05 ] [ read:107 ]
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The International Institute of Language and Literature of Korea held an international conference on "Study of Cultural Heritage." Well-known scientists of Azerbaijan and Korea took part in the conference and read reports. Five reports were read from the Korean side and two from Azerbaijan.

Head of the Department of Azerbaijan-Asian Literary Relations of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, Doctor of Philology, Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli made a report on "The impact of the Soviet regime on Azerbaijani literature and the repression of artistic thought." There was a wide exchange of views on the report, and the regime's conclusion that the control mechanism's complications in the literature were unacceptable was emphasized. Sung Kyungwan University Professor Nam Gung Jong and Xinhan University Professor Nam Yong Ho and others discussed the reports.

The conference was attended by Professor Kim Jung-gi of Kyunggi University of Korea "Development of social and cultural aspects of migration to Pocheon", Professor Chwe Myung Hwan of Gangwon University "Folklore writings and uses in rural areas", "General education and teacher training during independence" by Leyla Masimli, PhD student from Seoul Inha University "The content of education on the consideration of dialects in the Korean language curriculum" and others.

The materials of the reports read at the international conference will be published in April 2022. It should be noted that the next issue of the collection of "Scientific Articles" published three times a year by the International Institute of Language and Literature will be dedicated to Azerbaijan and will include 5 articles from Azerbaijan.