Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A bibliographic index by the staff of ANAS Institute of Literature published

23-04-2021 [ 13:08 ] [ read:234 ]
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Bibliographic index by staff of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi for 2019 has been published. The book "Bibliographic index - 2019" was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute.

The project manager and chief scientific adviser of the bibliography is ANAS vice-president, Director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbayli. The scientific editor of the book is PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Aygun Bagirli, the compilers are PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Zakira Aliyeva and Sona Ibrahimova.