Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Abid Tahirli. Tyson‘s wrath

19-11-2020 [ 13:16 ] [ read:237 ]
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Tyson was very angry when he came to Baku and when he left. Why? Let me first introduce you to Tyson in some detail.

In the late 1980s - early 1990s, with the material and moral support of their patrons, our hated and ungrateful Armenian neighbors began a separatist provocative speech in Nagorno-Karabakh with new claims to land. His true voice was not heard not only in the West, but also in the surrounding area - in Moscow, Central Asia and the Middle East. At the same time, on the contrary, it has become almost the norm for Armenians and pro-Armenian forces to publish in the media false and biased materials full of lies, slander and slander. The famous Danish publicist Suen Tyson was invited to Baku by the initiative of the national writer Elchin, chairman of the Society for Cultural Relations with Compatriots Living Abroad - Vatan Society.

As I wrote above, Tyson was angry when he arrived in Baku. I asked translator Sevinj Aliyeva to carefully find out the reason for this, to find out if our guest had a problem. The translator asked the guest about his wishes and needs, he said that everything was fine and turned to face me, could not hide the source of his anger:

- Arriving in Baku, I see your people kind, smiling and attentive. I can't believe why your people oppress innocent Armenians, why are you doing this, what do you want from this people?

I knew that the Danish guest had visited Baku under the influence of Western public opinion, so I quietly said to Suene:

-  You've been here for 10 days. You will find the answer to your question. On the way, I will ask you if you found the answer to your question at the airport.

Thus, Sue began to get acquainted with our city, the events in and around Nagorno-Karabakh, the bloody crimes committed by Armenians against our people today and throughout history, terrorist acts, insidious intentions. We visited Gabala and Sheki, met with local residents and refugees.Sue's eyes filled with tears as she listened to the refugees who had been expelled from their homeland. When interpreter Sue to dinner she burst into tears saying: "Mrs. Sevinj, I can’t not drink or eat, these Armenians were savages, we slept in Europe, Europe was blind, dumb, deaf!"

Some time later, an envelope from Copenhagen was sent to the Homeland Society by Sue Tyson. Inside the envelope was S. Tyson's booklet "My friend Azerbaijan" ...