Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Transphonic edition of "Bahlul" journal

16-11-2020 [ 12:08 ] [ read:135 ]
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Journal "Bahlul" was first published in book format by Dilbar Rzayeva, a researcher of the Department of Press History and Journalism of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi.

The publication devoted to the 145th anniversary of the Azerbaijani press and was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature dated September 30, 2020. Dilbar Rzayeva is the author of the "Foreword", dictionary, notes and explanations in the book.

The editor of the first transliteration of "Bahlul" journal is PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Rauf Sadikhov. Doctor of Philology, Professor Vugar Ahmad and PhD in Philology, Associate Professor Elmira Gasimova are the reviewers of the publication.

This collection is a transliteration of the satirical "Bahlul" journal from the Arabic alphabet, published in Baku from May 19, 1907 to November 4, 1907, only 9 issues. Continuing the traditions of the "Molla Nasreddin" literary school, the publisher and editor of the "Bahlul" journal was Alasgar Aliyev.

The journal includes: “Teleqraf xəbərləri”, “Ümumi xəbərlər”, “Elan”, “Poçt qutumuz” və s. kimi rubrikalara və bəhri-təvil, felyeton, şeir, sual-cavab və başqa janrlara rast gəlinir. Həmçinin “Duzəxi”, “Mirzə Dığ-dığı”, “Naxələf”, “Heyrəti”, “Yuxulu”, “Dərdmənd”, “Tamaşa bağı”, “Titrətməli”, “Ə.M”, “Ağızları qıfıldayan”, “Maryak”, “Carübüddövlə”, “Bitli bədən”, “Laübali”, “İpləmə”, “Zurnaçı”, “Şalvarün-Zakirin”, “Müahidi Qədim”, “Əqrəb”, “Qeydkeş” and others secret signatures were also used.