Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to approve a new composition Commission of State Prizes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science, technology, architecture, culture and literature

24-02-2020 [ 15:09 ] [ read:161 ]
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Guided by paragraph 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I hereby order:

1. To approve the following new composition of the Commission on State Prizes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science, technology, architecture, culture and literature:

Chairman of the Commission

Ali Asadov - Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Commission members

Ali Ahmadov - Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ramiz Mehdiyev - President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Abulfas Garayev - Minister of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ogtay Shiraliyev - Minister of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Jeyhun Bayramov - Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Anar Guliyev - Chairman of the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Ibrahim Guliyev - First Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Isa Habibbayli - First Vice-President of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Ismayil Hajiyev - chairman of the Nakhchivan Division of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Farhad Badalbeyli - rector of the Baku Music Academy named after Uzeyir Hajibayli

Omar Eldarov - Rector of the Azerbaijan Academy of Arts

Siyavush Kerimi - Rector of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory

Ahliman Amiraslanov – active member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Abel Maharramov - active Member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

Elbay Gasimzadeh - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Architects of Azerbaijan

Shafiga Mammadova - Chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Maharram Gasimli - chairman of the Association of Azerbaijan Ashugs

Chingiz Abdullayev - Secretary of the Azerbaijan Writers’ Union

Jalal Abbasov - Secretary of the Azerbaijan Composers’ Union

Natig Aliyev - People artist

Movlud Suleymanli – People writer.

2. To cancel part 1 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On approval of the new composition of the Commission on State Prizes of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of science, technology, architecture, culture and literature” dated April 27, 2018 No. 26 (Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2018, No. 4, Section 703).

3. The Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall resolve issues arising from this Decree.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, February 24, 2020.