Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Academician Isa Habibbayli. An example of a new type of literary criticism

18-02-2020 [ 10:38 ] [ read:44 ]
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One of the prominent figures in the development of Azerbaijani scientific thought over the last two centuries is Aziz Mirahmadov. He has made a rare contribution to the science of national literary studies with his numerous works, the result of his extensive work, dedication, efficiency and dedication.

The Honored Scientist, corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philology, Professor Aziz Mirahmadov (1920-2002) was a prominent scientist with a wide scientific outlook, extraordinary business, and unique complexity.

About 60 years of his life and scientific activity are related with the Institute of Literature after Nizami of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Mirahmadov Aziz began his career as a laboratory assistant at the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature in 1942 and worked at the Institute of Literature as a junior researcher, senior research, department head, deputy director and finally as director (1981-1985). He chaired the Specialized Defense Council...