Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the 150th anniversary of Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev

03-02-2020 [ 12:03 ] [ read:159 ]
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In May 2020, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding representative of Azerbaijani literature, a prominent playwright, prose writer, publicist and theater organizer, well-known public figure Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev.

Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev carried out multifaceted activities as a worthy successor of the literary traditions of his famous predecessors, an intellectual who possessed wide erudition and a modern worldview, raising Azerbaijani realistic literature and educational democratic thought to a new level, played a significant role in the development of national consciousness. The dramatic heritage of the master paved the way for the progress of theatrical culture in our country. His rich stories of real life take a special place among the most valuable examples of our prose. The patriot writer fully reflected in his works the desires and aspirations of the people who loved and served for free, as an ardent educator of enlightenment, he always called for cultural awakening and progress. Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev took an active part in the public life of Azerbaijan, worked tirelessly in the field of socio-cultural creation.

The inclusion of the name Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev in the list of anniversaries of prominent persons and significant events of UNESCO for 2020-2021 is a clear manifestation of the well-deserved and high appreciation of the work of the humanist writer as a bright personality of our centuries-old literature, embodying our spiritual and highest universal values.

Guided by paragraph 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to ensure the 150th anniversary of the mighty master of the word Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev, who has contributed to the treasury of literary, artistic, cultural and social thought of the Azerbaijani people, I decide:

1. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, taking into account the proposals of the Azerbaijan Writers’ Union to prepare and implement an action plan related to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding writer Abdurrahim bey Hagverdiyev.

2. The Cabinet of Ministers to resolve issues arising from this Order.

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku, January 31, 2020.