Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


80th anniversary of the people‘s writer Elchin held

24-05-2023 [ 13:19 ] [ read:110 ]
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On May 22, Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and National Library of Azerbaijan after M.F. Akhundov held a scientific session dovoted to the 80th anniversary of the prominent social and political figure, people's writer Elchin  .

First, the exhibition reflecting the work of People's writer Elchi was viewed. 

The president of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbayli, who has opened the event, emphasized that Elchin Efendiyev is a prominent representative of modern Azerbaijani literature, rose to the top of a world-renowned artist with his rich and multifaceted creativity. Academician Isa Habibbayli noted that his first acquaintance with the People's writer Elchin was related to the Institute of Literature and spoke on his sincere friendship with great literary figures, literary critics, critics, such as Academicians Mammad Arif, Mammad Jafar, well-known scientists Mammadhuseyn Tahmasib, Mirzaga Guluzade, who worked at this Institute.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that Elchi is recognized as a comprehensive personality in the history of literary and public opinion of Azerbaijan - a writer, a literary critic, a dramatist, and a public figure. The head of ANAS emphasized that, Elchi's works reflect the contradictions of life, small people, ideology, and the reality of Azerbaijan in the most natural, complete and beautiful way. He noted that Absheron stories have a special place in the work of the outstanding writer, and said that Elchi's "Baladadash's first love" is one of the most magnificent examples of the Azerbaijani story genre.

President of ANAS Isa Habibbayli noted that People's writer Elchi never gets tired of serving literature, continues to enrich our literary studies with his huge literary archive, and wished the public figure new creative successes.

Later, the director of Azerbaijan National Library after M.F. Akhundov, Professor Karim Tahirov said that Elchin Efendiyev, is a prominent representative of the 60s generation, and he is one of the personalities who presented the realities of Azerbaijan as they are and became a classic writer during his lifetime. He said that Elchi, the People's Writer, was selected for his invaluable services in the development of our culture and was a great cultural organizer. Speaking about the unique creative path of the writer, the director noted that each of his works played the role of a school for the young generation.

Karim Tahirov noted that the People's Writer Enchi has always supported the development of the National Library of Azerbaijan named after M.F. Akhundov and emphasized that the outstanding personality contributed to the development of the library to its current level. He also pointed out that the writer is one of the world-renowned personalities and his works have been published in more than 100 countries of the world.

Then, Academician Teymur Karimli, Director of the Institute of Manuscripts after M. Fuzuli of ANAS and Professor Gazanfar Pashayev, Doctor of Philology spoke and shared their memories on People's Writer Elchin.

People's writer, public figure and literary critic Elchin has a unique place and position in the scientific-literary and social environment of our country with his multifaceted creative activity. He is one of the main creators of the new period of Azerbaijani artistic prose, the dramaturgy of the transition period and the stage of independence, as well as the literary criticism of the last half century. The main reason why Elchin's work has gained public love is the naturalness and sincerity of his works.

At the event, Tehran Alishanoglu, correspondent member of ANAS, Sara Osmanli, Doctor of Philology, Professor Nizami Tagısoy, PhD in Art Studies, Associate Professor Narmina Aghayeva and Ph.D. in Philology Gulnar Osmanova delivered reports on "Elchin's prose in the context of myth and folklore".

Speaking at the end, People's Writer Elchin thanked the Institute of Literature and the National Library of Azerbaijan, the organizers of the event, and expressed his satisfaction with his participation in the event. Noting that part of his youth was related to the Institute of Literature, he emphasized that this scientific institution is a center of science that has rendered great services in the development of Azerbaijani literary criticism, Azerbaijani literary studies, strengthening and expanding its theoretical base.

General directors, employees, relevant persons and representatives of mass media of institutes and organizations included in the Humanities and Social Sciences divisions of ANAS attended the scientific session.