Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Hasan Seyidbeyli‘s life and prose creation - Baba Babayev

03-05-2023 [ 12:12 ] [ read:60 ]
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The book "Hasan Seyidbeyli's life and prose creation" has published by the decision No. 4 of the Scientific Council of ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature dated September 30, 2020. The author of the book is senior researcher of the Institute of Literature, Doctor of Philology, associate professor Baba Babayev. The book "On the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Hasan Seyidbeyli" has published according to the Presidential Decree.

         Academician Isa Habibbeyli, ANAS President is the scientific advisor of the monograph has published by the "Artist's scientific passport - 40" series and is a author of the foreword entitled "Legend of Azerbaijani cinema - creator of journalistic artistic prose". The editor of the book is Alizade Askerli, Doctor of Philology, the reviewer is Doctor of Philology, Professor Tayyar Salamoglu.

         In the monograph, the multifaceted creativity of Hasan Seyidbeyli, a prominent writer, dramatist, screenwriter, film director, and publicist, is examined at a scientific level with the strength of modernity. The monograph consists of three chapters and is 220 pages. The book has published by "Science and Education" publishing house.

         The monograph consists of chapters "Hasan Seyidbeyli's life and literary and social activity", "Writer's creative pursuits: artistic reflection of social life in his stories", "Prose evolution of Hasan Seyidbeyli's work: social life and their stylistic peculiarities in his narratives and novels" and Conclusion. The author of the last word entitled "Writer and Time" is Doctor of Philology, Professor R. Aliyev.