Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


President Ilham Aliyev signs order on 30th anniversary of 20 January tragedy

16-01-2020 [ 10:17 ] [ read:119 ]
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President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has signed an Order on the 30th anniversary of the 20 January tragedy.

Under the Order, commemorative events will be organized in Azerbaijan and beyond its borders marking the 30th anniversary of the Black January events. The Azerbaijani Presidential Administration will develop a plan of events on the 30th anniversary of the 20 January tragedy and ensure its implementation, under the Order. The 20th of January, 1990 entered into the modern history of Azerbaijan as one of the most tragic days, and at the same time as a heroic page. The terror act committed by the Soviet empire against innocent people who took to streets in protest against the biased policy of the empire’s criminal leadership, overtly supporting Armenia’s territorial claims against Azerbaijan, will forever remain in the history of mankind as one of the worst crimes against humanity. That terrible day elevated the country’s brave sons and daughters, who died while defending their freedom, honor and dignity, to martyrdom.

Despite it has been 30 years since the Soviet Army’s bloody invasion of Baku, people in Azerbaijan continue to live with pain of that tragic night in their hearts, and express their hatred for those who committed that inhuman deed. Every year on this day hundreds of thousands of people visit the Alley of Martyrs in Baku to pay tribute to Azerbaijan`s valiant sons and daughters. The Black January was nothing but a state`s massacre of its people. It was a vast violation of the constitutions of the former USSR and the Azerbaijan Soviet Republic. By sending troops against peaceful people the Soviet Union roughly violated international legal norms, including the United Nations` Charter and the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights of 1966.

However, the then authorities of Azerbaijan failed to find courage for themselves to stand by their people even at such a difficult moment.

Unlike them, Azerbaijan’s great son Heydar Aliyev, who then lived in Moscow, came to Azerbaijan’s permanent representative office - a day after the tragedy – and strongly condemned those who committed the January massacre, thereby once again demonstrating his courage and bravery and his devotion to his people.

It is national leader Heydar Aliyev`s returning to power in Azerbaijan, that made it possible in 1994 to give a legal and political assessment to the January 20 tragedy and identify the offenders.