Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Aziz Salami - German poem of a thousand years - Anthology

13-09-2024 [ 15:03 ] [ read:167 ]
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The anthology includes the works translated from the original German classical and contemporary poetry by Aziz Salami, a well-known southern poet, writer and translator living as an immigrant in Germany. Through these works, most of which have been translated into Azerbaijani for the first time, readers will be able to get acquainted with both new translation techniques and a completely new perspective on translation work.

The anthology is designed for literary scholars, students of philological faculties and a wide readership.

Publisher: Zamina ZEYNALOVA.

German poetry of a thousand years (anthology). (Translated by Aziz Salami). Baku: "Optimist", 2024, ... p