Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

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The founder of the Republic Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh - Manzar Niyarli

05-01-2023 [ 13:29 ] [ read:52 ]
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The novel by the Professor, poet, publicist Vugar Ahmed titiled "Azerbaijan to the last breath" tells on the life path of Mahammed Amin Rasulzadeh, a political and public figure, who rendered incomparable services to the independence and freedom of Azerbaijan. Scrolling through the life story of this immortal man, we see his turbulent life, struggle, tireless self-sacrifice of a man who sacrificed himself and his family for the sake of the independence of his country.

The author dedicated this work to the memory of the late Professor Shirmamed Huseynov, a tireless researcher of the heritage of M.A. Rasulzadeh.

The author of the preface to the work, well-known journalist and translator Ulkar Huseynova, expressed her thoughts as follows. "Mahammed Amin Rasulzadeh was one of those who created the ideology of national independence at the beginning of the century and united tens of thousands of people around this ideology and created an independent republic of our history".

Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh received his first education in the village of Novkhani, where he was born, from his father, Akhund Haji Alekper, and studied Persian and Arabic lessons from him, and then continued his studies at the school taught by Sultan Majid Ganizade in Baku.

Mahammad Amin Razulzadeh loves the city of Baku (especially the Old City) as his native village, but living here, he is saddened by social inequality, injustice and the bitter fate of people living in poverty. In this school, he learned a lot from his teacher S.M.Ganizade, a teacher and writer who criticized the fanaticism of the motherland. It was clear to him that his homeland was in the slavery of the occupying state - Tsarist Russia.

Studying at the Russian-Tatar, and then at the technical school, the horizons and worldview of the young Mahammad Amin gradually expanded.

Mahammad Amin had a task. Free Azerbaijan from the yoke of the Russian Empire and achieve the independence of Azerbaijan, and our people become the owner of their wealth. He believed that over time Azerbaijan would achieve its independence. To do this, it was necessary to continue the relentless struggle.

From the time he studied at the technical school, he wrote articles of a national character and either read them at meetings or printed them in newspapers. In one of his student speeches, he gave the following answer to a young man's question about land. "... The earth is our source of life at the command of the Almighty. To do this, we must love the earth with all our being and not only love it, we must be able to protect it. Therefore, if necessary, we must cover our chest and fight until the day to cleanse our holy land from infidels." Or Muhammad Amin (as a student of Sultan Majid Ganizade) is mentioned for the school opened by patron Tagiyev for Muslim girls. He expresses gratitude to both Tagiyev and the organizer of this good deed Hasan-bek Zardabi. This young man quickly attracts attention with his clever speeches and articles and is known as the beloved and patriotic son of his people.

In this documentary novel, based on historical facts, the author realistically described the landscape of that time and the events that took place.

The first page of the work contains the opinions of well-known Azerbaijani and Turkish public figures about Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh.

“I opened my eyes to the world three years before you. However, you raised the flag of Turkish independence throughout the Turkic world, and I took it from your hand and waved it over Turkey so that the flag would not come down. If you said that this flag won't go down, then I won't go down either." Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

“You worked as an active Mujahideen in the most critical times for Azerbaijan, you saw many important events, participated in various movements and lived a life full of adventures.” Ali Bey Huseynzade.

"For the first time, we note with great gratitude the merits of Rasulzade in the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic." Heydar Aliyev.

"The People's Republic of Azerbaijan is an honorable chronicle of the history of Azerbaijan. Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh is a great leader of the Azerbaijani people, a man who has the courage to "create something out of nothing", who has come out of the hardest trials of history with honor." Shirmamed Huseynov.

   In addition to the opinions expressed about him by such prominent personalities as Uzeyir Hajibeyov, Mirzabala Mammadzadeh and others. He wrote about the greatness of Muhammad Amin. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, ordering the celebration of the 130th anniversary of Muhammad Amin Rasulzade, said that Muhammad Amin rendered great services in the revival of the national state system and in the wide dissemination of the ideas of national independence. .

Indeed, the merits of Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh, who gave his people a taste of freedom for two years, are incalculable. Despite everything, he and his colleagues are remembered as one of the founders of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic in 1918.

The work is divided into chapters.

In the chapter "Armenians", we witness the hatred of Armenians against Azerbaijanis, their insidious actions, the close relations of the members of the "Dashnak-pillar" party with Shaumyan, and Shaimyan's leadership of the bloody genocide in Baku. In addition to being the chairman of the Baku Commune, Shaumyan was also the head of the "Dashnak-sutyun" terrorist organization created by Armenians. He united with the Bolsheviks and bought weapons and ammunition from Russia, or rather from Lenin, in the name of class struggle, and used these weapons to commit massacres in Baku.

Let's take a look at a detail in the "Armenians" chapter. History repeats itself. In the 90s of the last century, on the eve of the start of the First Karabakh war, Armenians once again realized their malicious intentions.

The separatist enemies committed the genocide they carried out in 1905 and 1918 at the end of the century.

They did not even refrain from their heinous acts while causing riots in Azerbaijan. Let's take the events of Sumgait. The author reminds us of the events of Sumgait once again in his work. It turned out that the events of Sumgait, the riots that took place there, were done by the Armenians themselves. They tried to put the murders on the shoulders of the Azerbaijanis for carrying out their evil deeds.

Referring to real facts, the author showed the inner face and hateful faces of Shaumyan, who was in constant contact with the members of the "Dashnak-styyun" party in Baku in March 1918, and those like him.

Let's consider an event that happened in 1918 in the work. On the instructions of Shaumyan, one of the Armenian schools was attacked in Baku before the genocide and about twenty Armenian children were killed. The main purpose of the killing of these children was to blame the Azerbaijanis for the murder they committed, inflame the conflict and destroy the people of Baku as one. Having achieved their goals, they kill and kill thousands of Azerbaijanis in the city and in the districts. In the work, the arrival of Nuru Pasha and his troops from Turkey and the rescue of Azerbaijanis, as well as the services of our Turkish brothers, are given ample space. Armenian Dashnaks have also prepared a program to seize Azerbaijani lands. Let's take a look at some points of those programs. "Creating Greater Armenia" in a wide area from the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, from the North Caucasus to Iraq, "Raising Armenian children in the spirit of hatred for the Turks", "Creating artificial archival materials", etc.

Armenians distorted the facts in the archives, resorted to various tricks in order to claim historical records and ancient monuments in their name. The author has shown one of them in the "Unfortunate Babakhan" chapter of the book. On Shaumyan's instructions, he called Babakhan, an Azerbaijani who was able to read the old inscriptions on the grave of an Albanian prince in the 200s of our era, and instructed him to say that the inscription belongs to an Armenian. Young Babakhan was shot right next to the cemetery because he protested.

The image of Nariman Narimanov is also noteworthy in the work. While N. Narimanov believed Shaumyan, Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh was aware of his criminal acts against Azerbaijan. Shaumyan uses various means to eliminate M.A.Rasulzadeh and arrests him through the Russian military prosecutor Lunyakin. However, the members of the "Difai" party created by Ahmad Bey Aghayev, M.A. Rasulzade's loyal friends, threatened the high-ranking officials of the "Jandermia" administration and freed M.A. Rasulzadeh from prison.

At the end of the work, the author talks about the tragedy of Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh's family and writes about their misfortunes in exile.

Writer-publicist Gumral Sadigzade, while writing about the life of Azerbaijan's independence poet Umgulsum (Umgulsum was both cousin and sister-in-law of M.Rasulzadeh), also briefly and superficially touched on the tragedies that befell the family of Muhammad Amin in exile.

In the work "Azerbaijan until the Last Breath", Vugar Ahmed not only wrote the period of Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh's life from his childhood until his death, but also extensively covered the life of his family and children after he left Azerbaijan, as well as the tragedies brought upon by Stalin's successor. After the fall of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, Muhammad Amin's eldest son Rasul was shot, his wife Umbulbanu, motherhood, daughters, and grandchildren were exiled to the cold, barren places of Kazakhstan. Not long after, his wife and mother, Maral aunt, change their world from cold to hunger. Latifah, a daughter of one of the barracks, was found frozen to death with her baby, while the other daughter went missing.

The only son of this ill-fated family, Azer, and his granddaughter Firuza survive.

M.A. Rasulzadeh continues to fight for the independence of Azerbaijan even in his emigrant life. M. Amin Rasulzadeh, who took refuge in brotherly Turkey, exposes the invading Russian empire. He writes articles with the spirit of "Freedom for people, independence for nations". Mohammad Amin Rasulzadeh

He lived in the hope that "someday Azerbaijan will regain its independence and freedom". It was not for nothing that he said, "A flag that rises once, will never come down again."

In the book "Azerbaijan to the Last Breath", the author creates a bright image of M. Amin Rasulzadeh, a great personality of Azerbaijan, and informs us about his life path, social and political activities, as well as his colleagues, relatives, and family. We can say that this book by the well-known poet, publicist, professor Vugar Ahmed will be loved and welcomed by the readers.