Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The new book of a selfless scientist - Maral Poladova

07-04-2023 [ 12:51 ] [ read:55 ]
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Chief specialist of Scientific publications and forecasting department of Nizami Institute of Literature of ANAS

Doctor of Philological Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, author of more than 100 articles and about 10 monographs and teaching aids, Lyudmila Samadova spent more than half a century of her life within the magnificent walls of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

After graduating from the Azerbaijan State University in 1964, Lyudmila khanim, who first started working as a referent of the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences, Mammad Arif Dadashzade, entered the post-graduate studies of the Nizami Institute of Literature of the Academy of Sciences in 1965, and from 1970 she decided her fate once and for all to this Institute. In 1974, L. Samadova, who considers herself a student of the late Shikhali Gurbanov, a well-known writer-playwright, literary scholar, defended her candidate's thesis on "The works of M.Y. Lermontov in the Azerbaijani language". Later (1980), that dissertation work was published in the form of a monograph under the name "The Wires Connecting Peoples". L. Samadova's doctoral dissertation is devoted to the topic "Russian classical literature in pre-revolutionary Azerbaijani translation".

For many years, Ms. Lyudmila, who previously worked as a senior researcher in the Department of Literary Relations, and now in the Department of World Eternity and Comparative Studies of the Institute of Literature, as a perfect expert in her chosen field, continues her scientific research tirelessly today and stands in the center of attention of her colleagues with her outstanding works. can. Along with researching the deep roots of the history of his people, he gained a great reputation as a tireless researcher of Azerbaijani-Russian literary relations. Ms. Lyudmila actively participated in the social life of the Institute of Literature during her many years of work and was awarded with Honorary Decrees by the management of ANAS and the Institute of Literature many times for her services in this field.

L. Samadova's "Wires connecting peoples", "Window to another world", "Eastern motifs in the work of Anna Akhmatova" and other books of L. Samadova, as the name suggests, are considered valuable works as a visual indicator of literary relations. This selfless scientist won the respect and sympathy he deserved not only in the field of science, but also in the field of pedagogy. Many of his students who once listened to his interesting lectures in the auditorium of Baku State University are now well-known intellectuals. They admit that they learned not only the secrets of scientific knowledge, but also the secrets of being a good person from this noble and kind lady, and they often remind her that they are indebted to her. Some of them are still in contact with Ms. Lyudmila and receive advice. In addition to educational programs on the editor's training of translated literature compiled and prepared by L. Samadova, the books "Editing theory and practice" and "Editing of translation text" authored (together with I. Valiyev) are considered indispensable sources for specialists in that field.

Lyudmila Samadova's new book "Azerbaijani literature in European and Russian literary-artistic scientific thought experience", which was recently published by "Science and Education" publishing house, was recommended for publication by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS. The author of the foreword is the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli, the reviewers are Nushaba Arasli, corresponding member of ANAS, and Sara Osmanli, doctor of philological sciences.

Starting from our national folklore, Nizami's work and our educators, the issues of the place and position of our Russian-language literature, which arose in the Moscow literary environment of the 20th-21st centuries, are fully reflected in the monograph. The author paid special attention to the goal he set for himself - the research of translation, criticism, oriental studies and thematic-motive interpretation forms of reception.

"Literature of each nation should be limited by its national borders. It should take the true path of development by benefiting from the progressive traditions of the literary experience of other nations", the author of the work of the famous Russian researcher V.G. highly valued its inclusion in the circulation.

In the monograph, which consists of Introduction, 7 chapters and Conclusion, the issue of East-Azerbaijan motifs in the work of Russian and European orientalists and romantics of the 19th century and the role of Azerbaijani enlightened writers in this process is touched upon, and then information is given about the services of outstanding Azerbaijani orientalists who had exceptional services in the development of Russian orientalism. At the same time, the general picture of our emigration literary studies that represented Azerbaijan in Europe, the Russian-language Azerbaijani literature represented in the Russian literary environment of the 20th-21st centuries and other issues are also explained in detail in the work.

English, German, Polish and Russian romantics, while the author talks about Eastern and Azerbaijani motifs in Russian and European romanticism.

He specially emphasized that some of the works created by J. Byron, P. Shelley, V. Kuvelbeker, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. Bestujev-Marlinski and others based on these motives were presented in an exotic context and adventure style related to Islamic ethics. .

One of the notable points in the work is the question of the role of Azerbaijani enlightened writers in European-Russian translation and literary criticism. The information given about the history of translation of the works of A.Bakikhanov, M.Sh.Vazeh, M.F.Akhundov into Russian and European languages and the opinions written about those works is of great importance in terms of clarifying what has been said. It is also noted that the first university education in Russia began in Kazan at the beginning of the 19th century, and since that time, the main part of the activities of our compatriot Mirza Kazim Bey, known as a world-famous scientist, has been the training of local orientalist personnel. According to the author, Russian translators and orientalists got to know Nizami through the work of his colleagues in Europe.

The book mentions the services of famous authors such as A. Khodzko, F. Dietz, V. Bartold, V. Polonsky, T. Lada-Zobolotsky, N. Chernyshevsky in the field of translation and research, and also criticizes some of their positions.

In the chapters of the monograph entitled "Place of Azerbaijani philological thought in the history of Russian Orientalism", "Priority of Azerbaijani emigration literature" and "Russian-speaking Azerbaijani literature of the 20th-21st centuries in the literary environment of Moscow", the author, who highly appreciates the activities of Azerbaijani writers, translators and scientists outside the Motherland, proudly talks about them. Professors of St. Petersburg University - the first dean of the Faculty of Oriental Languages, the corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mirza Kazim Bey, and the head of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Mirjafar Topchubashov, L. Samadova, who considers the multi-faceted scientific and pedagogical activity to be widespread in the Russian environment, is a source of pride for every Azerbaijani. He talks with pride about the activities of our immigrant literary critics Ahmet Agaoglu, Ali Bey Huseynzadeh, Ahmet Jafaroglu, M.A. Rasulzadeh, Mirzabala Mammadzadeh and Jeyhun Hajibeyli in Turkey and Azerbaijan.

The author comprehensively researches the topic "Russian-language Azerbaijani literature of the 20th-21st centuries in the literary environment of Moscow", while talking about the activities of poets and writers who lived and created in the capital of the Soviet Union during the USSR period, he focuses on authors such as Ch. Huseynov, Magsud and Rustam Ibrahimbeyov. L. Samadova also emphasizes that the main purpose of writing this monograph is to evaluate the activities of our talented folklorists, Turkologists and other literary scholars who had to live in several European countries as well as in Turkey. Discussing the high evaluation of the scientific achievements of our compatriots by European experts, the author proudly notes that they counted with the influential European scientists Ali Bey Huseynzade, Ahmet Agaoglu and Ahmet Jafaroglu.

The author of the preface, the president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli, writes about this monograph: "In general, giving priority to the theory of typological sounds in the author's conorative analyzes should be considered an admirable approach."

In the end, I wanted to present the opinions of Lyudmila Samadova, a very valuable literary critic, doctor of philological sciences, as they are: "The relevant observations once again show that in the study of our literary relations, we have abandoned the notions of "apprenticeship" that have been formed for several decades, and regardless of their size or smallness, every the contribution of a nation to human culture should be sufficiently appreciated. However, we must not forget that historically the true national culture is always open to the culture of the peoples of the world, enriches the world culture by carrying universal ideals along with its specific national characteristics."